Sunday, June 30, 2013

Netgalley Nockout Challenge Sign-Up :D

When I saw this challenge later today, my first thought was: "this challenge was created for me"!!
I just love getting ARCs. When I get approved for one I feel like the best blogger in the world because a publisher had actually visited my blog and found it worthy enough to feature a book!! That's really flattering. My blog isn't big enough for me to receive physical ARCs and I don't have any intention to request them either because I just LOVE reading on my Kindle.
The problem is that recently I got way too many eARCs. And it's not like I don't have anything else to read!!! I thought I'm the only one in this situation... Well, apparently not. So come on, LET'S KNOCKOUT THOSE REVIEW EBOOKS!!! :D

For more info sign up here


  1. Yes. Another person who is like me. Great idea. I love the idea of this challenge because then we can support one another.


    1. Yeah, that's definitely the best part!! :)

  2. This is a brilliant challenge although I don't really have that problem as I don't really read eBooks. But's a brilliant challenge.

    1. LUCKY YOU!! xD
      It is a brilliant challenge, I agree :)
